I bought 2 of those wonderful looking snow white apples, but they didnt taste as good as they looked, also after eating a quarter of an apple I was reminded of my fructosis intolerance....
So I gave them away to my sister in return for her cat ahaha.
Look how big she got already. I'm so scared that Diablo got her pregnant....
Oh well, another bunch of kitties! This time third generation incest oh dear.

And my esghskhdgskgh Paganini CD finally arrived *Q*
I dont know why I sometimes buy CDs, I dont even have a CD player and only some work with my computer, this gladly did.

Bow to the Bedhead Master~
I go randomly spam all pictures in this one post because I dont feel like making a post for each photos and now I gather my strenght to go get some groceries with the possibility that I will collapse halfway because I cant carry the waterbottles and no one is there to help me, I love Christopher Walken today and thats why I finish this post now, I watched all 4 X-Men movies yesterday evening and today, DAMNIT WHY CANT I STOP WRITING, ok now I go baibai and stuff...................
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