On behalf of my therapist I took out my bass again, he said it would be a good practice for my unsteadiness.
But suddenly.
All the animals went wild.
Diablo went to the amplifier and when noise came out, he ran as if he had seen the devil.
And the rats. Suddenly they both stared at me as if I threw thunderbolts through my room.

Then I recalled since I have the rats and Diablo with me, I havent touched my bass LOL
That means.... at least half a year.
I'm such a bad bad lazy ass.
I will try to practise every day half an hour.
If I dont, my therapist will be even more disappointed at me, I must look like the most useless person ever XD
Wish me luck on my practising. (But I only have sheets for the c major scale and arpeggio in major and minor, so I am only able to play those damn 3 things for all eternity haha)